English Log book week 17

Listening: I've listened to "See you again" by Wiz Khalifa & Charlie Puth
My Words:
Established - given och välkänd
Brotherhood - brödraskap
Switch - byta
Damn - fan
Vibe - vibb

Reading: I've red "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" Chapter thirty one "The Third Task".
This is my summary:
Harry i about to start the third task in the Triwizard Tournament, which is a maze. Harry and Cedric Diggory ( a other boy from Hogwarts) is in the lead, so they ran in first. After them it was Viktor Krum's turn (Durmstrang) to run. And last in is Fleur Delacour from Beauxbatons Academy. In the maze lies some dangerous creatures like a Sphinx or a Blast-Ended Skrewts or a Boggart. And in the end of the chapter Harry and cedric reaches the cup at the same time. And when they touch it the are teleported to a different place.
My Words:
Sphinx: Sfinx
Blast-Ended Skrewts: Spräng stjärts krabbor
Patronus: (trollformel) Patronus
Boggart: En varelse (Boggart) ändrar skepnad beroende på motståndarens rädslor. Can be defeated by the spell Riddikulus.
Stupefy: trollformel (lamslagen)

Listening: I've listened to Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day on lyricstraning.com
My Words:
Boulevard: lång bred gata
Beating: slår
Border: gräns
Shallow: svag
Vital: livsviktig


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