You Can Grow Your Intelligence

The most valuable wisdom learned in working with growth mindset is to believe in yourself. If you do not believe that you can do it, then there is no reason for you to do it. You will fail, but if you just put your mind to it and train hard, the thing is, when you train, your neurons connect in new ways in your brain. Also, you remember that very movement or math technique or whatever you were training.

However, it is not enough if you just believe and train, you need a strategy, and you need to know how the brain works. The brain remembers things the best if you use "the ten-minute rule." The ten-minute rule is very simple.  If you have some words that you need to learn you just study them, then you do the same thing ten minutes later, and then the next day and then the next week. If you do not know the words by then, you train them a month later. And if you fail the exam, don't worry! Our brains are self-learning, and we learn by our mistakes. The important thing is to spot the error and figure out what you did wrong. Then you should spot the mistake the next time and correct it.

When you feel a task is too difficult, you should approach it in a new way. If you have tried it several times, and you believe in yourself, but someway you still fail you should at first try it again and say to yourself
- I do not know this YET, but I will soon. The task may be challenging, but when you know it, it will just look like a piece of cake. It is the power of yet. You will know it eventually. Just keep trying. And if that does not work, then look at the problem in a different way. If your car brakes down, the first thing you would do is look in the engine, but you do not find the problem. Then look at it from a different perspective, maybe the fuel is leaking. And there you found the problem.

To feel satisfied with your work you should not compare it with others.' but compare it with your previous work. If you see improvement, then you can be happy with yourself, no matter what anybody says. You are better than before, and that is the goal. However, if there is no improvement then, just use my previous tips, and you will be just fine.


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