Fakebook task 2 - Friends and Free time

Hi its Qiang Sòng again.
I would never survive all these years in the bunker without a very special friend. Chen Long helped me and my family, he gave us food and he was the one who found the bunker for us. His dad was also a British MI5 agent. Because I lived in a bunker I didn't have that much spare time. Sometimes my dad learned me some self defense. Chen Long used to bring us targets and I would stand a certain distance from it and throw stones at it. This was to better my aim. Now i visit the gym daily and I also visit the shooting track daily. Chen Long lives in London now. He moved there when he turned 18. And he was recruited by MI5 five years later. He lives my dream while I'm stuck here in Hong Kong. But we still contact each other. He told me that he was in USA for the first time. It was a very secret mission and unfortunately he couldn't tell me any details. But he said that he prevented a World War 3. So I'm very proud of him. But he also said that he is trying to get me in to MI5 and he says that he is very close to get me in. So maybe I will stop writing soon.


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