Holly´s Heroes: Episode 1

Summary: We have watched the first episode of the series "Holly´s Heroes". It's about a girl called Holly McKenzie that moves from New Zealand to Australia. She starts in a new school and she doesn't know anyone there. She likes to play basketball so she tries to join the basketball team in her school but the coach doesn't accept her. So she tries to start a new team but the coach only gives her two days. On the last day she doesn't have any players so the coach is about to tell her that there will be no team, but then four players come and say that they would like to join the team. And then she has enough players to start a team.

Advantages & challenges of being new in class: On the first day she tries to make new friends. She kind of screws it up when her basketball rolls in to coach Petersons car. And then all the players of the basketball team are mean to her. And if you are hated by the cool guys then you are hated by all. If you want to make new friends then you should find the people that like the same things as you and start looking there. And if you don't find anyone then maybe the one that is sitting next to you would like to be friends. Maybe you should introduce yourself to the class before the first lesson starts so the people that likes the same thing as you would maybe come to you.


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