Fakebook nr 4 - Whats In Right Know

Hello again.
For me as an agent its very important to fit in. So I check online everyday in different online magazines. But I don't understand anything of it because they look so weird. They have difficult names as well. Like hoodie, whats that? I know that people likes to eat at very expensive restaurants that serves very little food on a plate and its super expensive. And I heard that Horse is very popular right now. Horse with mashed potatoes and gravy.  Chen Long invited me to a game of soccer. It sounds pretty normal I know. But I've watched soccer games on my TV and this was different. Its soccer with an american football. They say that its the new hot thing. But apparently there is one game that is really in right now. Its called skyball. You are attached to a plane with a rope and plays a sport like handball. You go forward via your jetpack and the goals is also attached to the plane. There are five players on each team and the first team that reaches 15 points wins.
This is the last time that I will write to you guys because tomorrow I will head off to London and start my service at MI5.

Yours sincerely
Qiang Sòng


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